Tax Tips & FREE Worksheet for Hair Stylists
Ok so I know as a creative thinker, us hair stylists think of beauty before brains. Meaning we are often more concerned with slaying our...

Clients & Coins Stylists Management
So January is almost over, wow time really is flying!!! So as the month ends, there are a few things you can do to complete it with a...

3 Tips on Goal Setting for Hair Stylists
Hey Banking Beauty! Its Goal Setting time!!! 2018 means we have yet another year to crush our goals and live greater lives both...

Best Books for Professional Hair Stylists to Read
Best Books for Professional Hair Stylists to Read Yes you are a hair stylist and styling hair is what you do best! But...running your...

Curl Fest 2017
It was wonderful to attend the The Ultimate Natural Beauty Festival "Curl Fest" for the third year in a row. As I expected the event has...

IBS New York 2016
One of the most exciting things about being in the hair and beauty industry is attending trade shows. At these shows you are sure to see...

Beauty Business Brunch & Workshop
Are you networking and meeting the people who will get you to the next level!?! I make sure to attend a ️️networking event at least once...

Curl Fest
So this was my second year attending the curl fest. Honestly what curly hair girl wouldn't want to attend this event???? What in amazing...

Styled Angela Yee for Jam'N 94.5 Summer Jam
There is nothing sweeter than receiving a text message both asking if you would like to travel to Boston AND style Angela's Yee's hair...

Styling Vicky Judy of "The Orange is the New Black"
It's all in the creativity of the stylist and his or her products. I was so excited to work with The Orange is the New Black actress...