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IBS New York 2016

One of the most exciting things about being in the hair and beauty industry is attending trade shows. At these shows you are sure to see platform artist styling hair, models rocking incredibly artistic hair styles and well known hair stylist in the industry. This was my first time attending the IBS New York show, so of course I had high anticipation to the wonderful things that I was going to encounter. Apparently the IBS Show is the longest running , professionals only beauty show in the nation. Whoa! Walking up to the Javits Convention Center was surely a sight to see, I mean its huge with windows for days. Such a beautifully made building. Its so funny, I can spot a fellow hair stylist from a mile away...wearing all black of course with funky hair. Walked through the doors and a huge sign read "IBS New York" hehehe...I've arrived, lol. I'm like a little kid at hair shows running around wanting to see everything all at once, luckily a brochure is provided to keep me under control. So I strolled through the aisles checking out all of the vendors. I found it quite interesting that vendors from China were their selling hair and advertising for wholesale extensions purchases. Sure is the "thing" to retail hair extensions these days. It used to be a secret as to where women purchase their extensions but I guess its a supply and demand thing. Overall it was a great experience. Somewhat different from other shows that I've attend. By far the largest as I found myself tired from all of the walking. I would most definitely attend in the upcoming years. Stay Tuned...

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Damali is a Beauty Business Coach, Entrepreneur, and Author. Her goal is to assist hair stylists in living their best life personally and professionally.

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