3 Tips on Goal Setting for Hair Stylists

Hey Banking Beauty!
Its Goal Setting time!!! 2018 means we have yet another year to crush our goals and live greater lives both personally and professionally. My greatest achievement in 2017 was self-publishing my first book on Amazon, Travel Notice: The Ultimate Guide to Becoming a Traveling Hair Stylist.
What an amazing feeling and accomplishment! So how did I do it??? Well today Ill be sharing 3 tips of Goal Setting for Hair Stylists.
Purchase Travel Notice Book!

1. Write Your Goals Down
According to an artical on Huffington Post, those who write their goals accomplished significantly more than those who didn’t. The artical states you become 42% more likely to achieve your goals and dreams, simply by writing them down on a regular basis. So whats does that mean?
When you write down your goals and aspirations it makes them feel obtainable and creates accontability to ensure you reach your goals. I would recommend posting them in your salon or at your work station as a constant reminder. Surprise yourself this year and tackle your goals!
2. Track Your Progress
Whats the point of setting goals if you dont track your progress? Set the goals and then track them. You will need to know if you are on track or if more work needs to be put in.
Also, it allows you to implement new strategies or set bigger goals depending on how things are going. If your goal is to style 10 clients per day and you only have 5 booked, then you'll need to determine how to get the other 5 clients to accomplish your goals.
3. Reward Yourself
When setting goals it is important to also decide on a reward for reaching your goals. By doing so, it acts as an incentive to get the job donel. My reward for publishing Travel Notice: The Ultimate Guide to Becoming a Traveling Hair Stylist; was a weekend trip to Los Anegles which included a photo shoot to celebrate the new book. A goal is more exciting when you know there is a prize waiting at the end, it gives you something to look forward to.
I would love to help you achieve your goals in 2018! What are they? Shoot me an email including your top 3 #beautygoals for 2018. My top #beautygoal for 2018 is to help as many hairstylists as possible to reach their goals!
Lets make it happen, together!