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Clients & Coins Stylists Management

So January is almost over, wow time really is flying!!! So as the month ends, there are a few things you can do to complete it with a bang! Ask yourself, did the month go as planned, as usual or better than expected? Regardless of the outcome, at the end of each month take the time to review and evaluate how your month was; business wise and financially. Do so by doing the following things:

1. Print Salon System Reports (Booker, Styleseat, etc.)

Regardless of how you keep track of your business, whether it be with a paper booking system or online system, I would suggest looking at them at the end of the month and either manually calculating or printing your monthly reports. The things that you should focus on are:

  • Sales

  • New Clients

  • Returning Clients

  • Your Top Services

Booth Renters:

Personally as a past booth renter, I have always used to run my beauty business. It has worked well for me. For $35 per month I am able to give my business a professional feel and look. For those using Styleseat, they provide reporting so that you can track both your finances and clients.

Commission Stylists:

When working as a commissioned stylist, the salon owner more than likely will be using an online booking system which has detailed reporting. Be diligent and ask for the reports so that you can track your progress.

Salon Owners:

Hopefully you are using some fancy online booking system to track your beauty buisness. If so you, you have reports for the stylist and salon. Print them, review them and file them!!

Yes everything is done online now but that does not mean you can not print them. By doing so you are able to take a good luck at your business, high light things and make some real changes if needed. I would suggest to keep binder with monthly reports. By doing so you will be preparing month by month for filing your taxes.

2. Track Your Clients and Coins


At the beginning of each month, set a goal for the number of clients you need, based on your financial needs. This could be as little and 100 or 200 plus for the month. But create the goal based on needs more than wants. By using a system it can track the clients for you. It will track weekly and monthly.

Keep all contact information on your clients, most systems can send reminder emails to clients when they have not been in the salon for awhile. I see stylist who say they do not have enough clients or that a client went missing. But if they tracked their clients they would not have to go with out or wonder what happened to them.

What you should be tracking:

  • How many clients per day, week, month

  • If clients are returning and how soon

  • Which clients are big tippers

  • How many new clients you're getting and how

  • Clients that do not return


How much money are you making??? If you're not tracking this, we have a huge problem! You can do this monthly but weekly is also vital. By doing so you can set goals for upcoming weeks or months.

What you should be tracking:

  • Income for month

  • Tips

  • Expenses

  • Product sales

  • Merchant Fees

3. Did you end the month with a Yass or Yikes???


Did you reach your goals? Did you exceed your goal? This is why setting goals is vital. Congrats if you're reaching your monthly goals. That just means you can set bigger goals. Maybe more clients or add new products to sell.


Its totally fine if you aren't reaching your coin goals. There is always room for improvement. Review and evaluate what you've been doing. Create a new game plan and execute the following week/month.

4. Review, Evaluate, Conquer

So review how your clients and coins went for the month. Determine what worked and what did not. Set new goals and strategies. Im sure the following month will be better as you will know what to do more or better.

5. Do This on a Monthly Basis

I highly recommend doing this at the end of each month. Be hands on with your beauty business. Know the ends and out, grow your business month by month. You will not regret it! Each month will be preparing you to have all the information to file your taxes and to be prepared early. This will also allow you to have your finances and business well organized.

Remember Im here to help you achieve your 2018 beauty goals! Check out my blog posts and youtube videos, they will help you tremendously.

Lets make it happen, together!

MUST Watch!!! 2 New Videos on Youtube!

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Meet Damali

Damali is a Beauty Business Coach, Entrepreneur, and Author. Her goal is to assist hair stylists in living their best life personally and professionally.

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